An inside look into what Collective Recovery is all about.

Benefits of Telehealth
Collective Recovery offers telehealth addiction treatment. Telehealth is done online via computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. Telehealth is convenient and accessible for our clients. Clients are able to access individual therapy, group therapy, and case management right from their phone. According to the American Psychological Association, “telehealth is essentially just as effective as face-to-face psychotherapy- and retention rates are higher.”

Family Therapy

Trauma Informed Care
Collective Recovery has Certified Clinical Trauma Professionals to help individuals navigate past experiences, reprocess trauma, and find healing. Individual therapy is a key component in our program. Our providers are skilled in multiple treatment modalities in order to best fit each client’s needs.

Targeted Case Management

Pictured: Collective Recovery staff at their annual staff retreat.
“The greatest asset of a company is its people.” – Jorge Paullo Lemann